
Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday's lesson

I was reminded on Sunday of a time in my young adult years when my life could have taken a completely different path.  I was at a crossroads - choose to live a life without faith in God but on my own terms or to live according to a belief system that I had been taught.  On one hand, there was the lure of a "liberated" life - one that was free from the guilt of not being "perfect".  And on the other hand, was the hope of life eternal and the sacrifices necessary to attain it.  I wrestled with this decision, and after a while, when I had become sufficiently humbled, I decided to ask God.  If there was no God - then it couldn't hurt anything by talking to no one.  But if there was a God, and He did answer me, well, then,  - that would make all the difference. 

I did the only thing I really knew to do.  Read the scriptures and pray.  I read passages about hope and faith and and life eternal and they really seemed to resonate with me.  A life with purpose and meaning seemed more appealing than a life of fun and adventure.  At this point, I really wanted to know, more than I wanted anything else, I wanted to know if there was a God and if the things I had been taught about the gospel were true.  I decided it was time to pray and ask.  This was not to be a casual prayer.  There was a lot at stake.  I prayed alone, out loud and with complete sincerity.  And the answer came.  Just as I had been told it would in a still, small voice and a warmth in my heart.  The answer was undeniable - there is a God, not only does He know me but He loves me.

Since that time, I have never doubted. Everything that is good about my life is a result of that answered prayer.  My marriage to Jay is the most treasured thing I have.  My children are the source of all my joy and happiness.  Sure there are times when I still feel guilty for not being perfect but now I know God loves me and I feel His encouragement to do a little better.  And why I ever thought I had to choose between a life of purpose and meaning and a life of fun and adventure..... is beyond me.    

This picture was taken at the Salt Lake City Temple Visitor's Center this summer.

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