
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ploar Bear Plunge!

We welcomed 2013 in with a Polar Bear Plunge on January 1st! We kinda cheated by warming up the hot tub so we could quickly thaw out.  Andrea was our first brave swimmer- followed by Jayme, me and Jay.  Reagan got her feet wet but that was it.  We've had a fun break with lots of movies, good eats, and fun times. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Phew.  We made it to 2013.  No Zombie Apocalypse or end of the world.  We did manage to go off the fiscal cliff but I am told it was on a bungee cord so - all will be well.

We had a blast ringing in the New Year with friends and family. Good friends are family - don't you think?  We played games, ate food - I think we made over 100 waffles, danced, sang and got our pictures taken with "The Duke."  It was fun.  But all fun things must come to an end.......

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you had a fun and safe night. 

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years resolutions - to make or not to make.....

Little busy here....... Not sure what the benefit would be to add more to my already too long to do list. So, think I'll just take a pass this year.

This is fairly consistent with many other things I've had to take a pass on recently - such as: volunteering at school, volunteering at church, volunteering in the community (just take volunteering off the list altogether), organizing the garage, organizing my closet, organizing...(take that off the list too), finishing my photo albums, finishing my scarf, finishing my nativity - all things requiring finishing are still on the list for now - just paused.

My to do list is basically - feed the family - this entails actually shopping and preparing - wean off fast food, make sure they have something to wear (clean is optional), make sure teeth are brushed, hair - optional and in the DIY category, get kids to necessary appointments and activities, do my church commitments (nursery lessons and pack meetings), family prayer, scripture reading, FHE, get Jayme done with personal progress, signed up for the ACT and SAT, get Bryan advanced to Life Scout, figure out what is wrong with Andrea's knee, get Reagan to eat something, hug and love on baby Carsanne, try and keep house clean and sanitary, and don't gain weight.

These are not my resolutions - just the continuation of my life as a mother of 5. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything! 2012 was a great year. It was full of fun and laughter. I believe 2013 will be more of the same. It's good to be me! ;)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas projects

I didn't get a chance to make many gifts this year - only 2. The first was a fun nativity that the kids helped me make. I went to my favorite craft store, Hobby Lobby and picked up a package of "men" (2 inch tall wooden figures with a round head and body - no arms) and an assorted selection of wooden knobs. We also got craft sticks to make the stable and manager. We made baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, 2 shepherds, an angel and 3 wise men. We also made 3 sheep, 2 oxen and a donkey. It was a lot of fun and a "hands on" nativity that Reagan played with all month. It was a good way to teach her the Christmas story.

My second project was a gag gift for my brother in law. He is a riot and has a great sense of humor. He also works in a fairly cold environment. I crocheted him a hat in his favorite college team colors and a beard. It brought a good laugh!

I wish I had time to make more Christmas crafts.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 2012

What a wonderful time of year! The shopping is almost done. The cards are almost out. The decorations are almost all hung. My craft projects are almost finished!!! It will be likely that I'll be scrambling up until the last minute this year! But, I'm loving it!

We've started some new traditions. Santa sent us an Elf for our shelf, Meri Breitenhaus We love her and Reagan talks about her every day!

We are going to be home this Christmas and spend lots of time together. It's a happy time for our little crew. There is so much to be thankful for and to celebrate. Grateful for a babe in a manger and His life and gospel that has made my life and happiness possible!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Crappy Day

As explained to my sister via Facebook:

Ohhhhh. We miss you. We had a crappy day yesterday. We drove an hour and a half - one way for Jayme to take her driving test and we failed on a technicality - I never put the front license plate on my car because there was no bracket for it. When we moved here they said front plates were not required, so when I got my new car and there wasn't a front bracket to put a plate, I thought it was because it was a Texas car. Well, apparently they changed the law in the past year and now front plates are required. So, they wouldn't even let her take the test. Next appointment is September 13.

Then, I go back to staples for school supplies that are so specific it would make you crazy. For example: 6 yellow, plastic folders with brads and a note card holder - what?????? Of course they were sold out. So, we had to settle for yellow plastic three hole - no brad folders minus the note card holder. There were other things on the list. But this is where I get to the crappy part..... I was with Carsanne and Andrea and we got out of the car and I had to use the potty because I had already been in the car an hour taking Bryan and his friend to basketball camp in Plano and picking Andrea up from dance. We go to the bathroom and I ask Andrea to hold the baby. The bathroom smells gross but hey when ya gotta go.... Then Andrea screams, "She's leaking poop!!" What? Sure enough - Carsanne has poop all down her leg. And then Andrea screams, "Mom - its all over you!!!" Sure enough... The poop was all over my shirt. So what did I do? Peed, first of all, because I really had to go... then, I cleaned up the baby. Stripped off her poopy clothes. Tried to clean myself off but - it just smeared. So, I grabbed my hooter hider and draped it over the poopy part of my shirt so I could get all the crazy school supplies at staples and not have to go back!!!! I'm sure everyone in that store could smell me and I looked like a crazy lady wearing a cape that I tucked into my pants so it wouldn't fly up and smear more poop.

Life is an adventure!!!! But Jayme is pretty disappointed so you should text her a quick note to let you know you are thinking about her. This week has been overwhelming for her and she started seminary this morning.

Love you!!! Hope you don't have a crappy day!!!!

There was a bright spot to my day .... My visiting teacher brought me a delicious cake because she thought it was my birthday!!! I felt badly about the mistake - but it made my whole day!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Olympics

Daaaaa Daaaaa Da Da Da Da Da Da Dum Dum Dum Da Da Da Da Da Da Daaaa ..... Love It!!

We have had so much fun watching the Olympics!! There have been some great stories, heartbreaks and triumphs!! Here are my favorites:

1. Michael Phelps. As a swimmer, I love what he has done for the sport. At times he has been really hard for me to listen to his interviews because his mind is all over the place but - that's what makes his story even greater. A kid with ADHD gets thrown into the pool to keep him busy, and his mom sane, and he thrives. Love real people overcoming odds to become super human!!!

2. Oscar Pistorius. AMAZING!!! Loved watching him run and wished I could talk to my grandma about it. She was super fast when she was young and lost her leg in a terrible accident at the age of 24 and as a mom of 2 young, active boys. Prosthetic legs have come a long way. I wonder if she would have donned a cheetah leg and tried it out. Oscar is amazing. And to think they almost didn't let him compete because the thought his prosthetic leg springs would give him an unfair advantage. Also, thumbs up to James who switched name tags with him as a sign of admiration. You just can't make this stuff up!!!

3. Women's Gymnastics. Always a favorite, right. But how about the ladies winning the group competition, Gabby Douglas being the first African American winning the all around and the heart ache of Jordyn Wieber not qualifying for the all around. The oh so controversial "rule" of only allowing 2 gymnasts from each country compete in the all around.  A rule is a rule - but that one isn't a good one. Those girls can defy gravity.  It is truly amazing their strength and grace. 

4. Misty May Traenor and Kerri Walsh are soooooo gooooood!  I have played beach volleyball.  It is hard on the body.  The sand is deep and the dive landings - not as soft and cushy as they look. To be that good - for 3 Olympic games is really remarkable. "The old ladies went out and did it!' Quote from hubby Traenor.

5. The Bolt.  Actually the women's 100 and the 2 relay's the 4 by 100 and 4 by 400 as well as the men's same races were crazy good.  They are so fast.  Way to go women's relay team! They got the monkey off their back and brought home a world record.  But what is so amazing is the Bolt!! That guy is fast, unbelievably fast.  I was watching the men's 4 by 100 relay and going into the last leg the Jamaicans and the US were pretty much neck and neck then - whoosh..... there goes the bolt.  Stride for stride he just took off.  He had to work it this time - no chest pumping before the finish line but, he got it done!

6. OK - this is for my 16 year old daughter, Tom (sigh) Daley.  There were so many camera flashes on his first dive that he was distracted and kinda messed up so they let him dive again.  Good thing because he made up a ton of points and ended up with the bronze.  He would've been out of the medals had he not been able to re-dive.  But honestly, I had a hard time watching because it just looked like a major clothing malfunction could happen at any time. 

Tonight is the Closing Ceremony.  (sniff) (sniff)  Very sad.  The games have given us a lot of entertainment.  We've all enjoyed them - and with the diversity of 5 kids ranging in age fro 16 - 9 months, that doesn't happen much.  We've all been a little sleep deprived.  We actually moved a mattress out to the family room so the kids could have a 2 week long "Olympic" sized slumber party. It's been fun but all good things must come to an end - at least for 4 more years. So, to all those athletes out there who have Olympic dreams - good luck, and we will see you in 2016!

The Kids sleeping on the mattress after a late night of Olympic coverage!